loveyunfei365 发表于 2019-12-14 13:15:58


26: B conclusion27: L spread28: K slim29: A accurate30: vulnerable31: C directly32: E evaluate33: G flights34: D either35:H largely2019年12月英语四级真题及答案(卷二):信息匹配36:F段落第一句: The city is no empty37:Ⅰ段落第一句: Park Yeon See, the man who first i38:D段落第一句: Chances are you' ve actually seen th39:G段落第一句:“What' s happened is that our focus on40:B段落第一句:Thel8 th century really was a water41:E段落第一句: The city was supposed to be a hub fo42:Ⅱ段落第一句: But this is not star trek43:A段落第一句: Getting around a city is one thing- an44:了段落第一句: Songdo’ s backers contend that it's st45:C段落第一句: Songdo is a stone' s throw from Sout2019年12月英语四级真题及答案(卷二):仔细阅读

46-50:饮料征税46、B) It may encourage other us cities to follow suit47、C)Take legal action against it48、D)It criticized the measure through advertising49、B) Help people to fix certain long-time health issues50、A) They are becoming rather sensitive issues51-55:微波炉51、D) The use of microwaves emits more CO2 than people52、A) They are becoming more affordable53、B) Improving microwave users' habits54、A) There are far more emissions from cars than from55、C) It plays a positives role in environmental2019年12月英语四级真题及答案(卷二):翻译部分:  中国汉族人的全名由姓和名组成。中文姓名的特点是,姓总是在前,名跟在其后,千百年来,父姓一直世代相传。然而,如今,孩子跟母亲姓并不罕见。一般来说,名有一个或两个汉字通常承载父母对孩子的愿望。从孩子的名字可以推断出父母希望孩子成为什么样的人,或者  预期他们过什么样的生活。父母非常重视给孩子取名,因为名字往往会伴随孩子一生。  The full name of Chinas Han ethnic group(people) is composed of family name( surname)and  given name. One characteristic of the Chinese name is that the family name is always put before  the given name. For thousands of years, the paternal surname( the father's family name) has been  passed down through generations. However, it is not uncommon now for a child to have the maternal surname(the mother's family name). Generally speaking, a given name contains one or  two Chinese characters, which carries the parents' hope for the kid. Therefore, it's easy to infer  from the name what kind of person the parents expect their child to be, or what kind of life to lead  Parents attach great importance to naming their kid as it will be his or her lifelong company  中国家庭十分重视孩子的教育。许多父母认为应该努力工作,确保孩子受到良好教育。他们不仅非常情愿为孩子的教育投资,而且花很多时间督促他们学习。多数家长希望孩子能上名牌大学。由于改革开放,越来越多的家长能送孩子到国外学习或参与国际交流项目,以拓宽其视野。通过这些努力,他们期望孩子健康成长,为国家的发展和繁荣作岀贡献。  Chinese families attach great importance to childrens education. Many parents believe that they  should work hard to guarantee their kid good education. They are not only willing to invest in their childs education but also spend much time in supervising his or her study for most parents  hope that their child can be admitted into a prestigious university Owing to China's reform and  opening-up, more and more parents can afford their kid's study in a foreign country or an international exchange programme, which will broaden his or her horizon. Through all these  efforts, they expect their child to grow up healthily to make contribution to the nations  development and prosperity

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